Iconic Voice

A spiritual & somatic journey toĀ embodying your channel and claiming the unique artistry of your voice

Iconic Voice is a high-touch, in-depth 1:1 coaching journey to embody your unique channel and gifts in voice and expression.

This is for you if you already know that embodying your full expression is much more than singing pretty or working on your technique. You have been around the block a few times, maybe stumbled and failed, gone to the bottom and lost yourself a few times on the way. You have an unexplainable feeling that you are meant to walk the path of singing in your life to fulfill your potential.

This is for the singer, the artist, the creator who understands the spiritual nature of voice andĀ know they are here to serve through their voice, in one way or another.

You are ready to go deep and wide, to become a sovereign and powerful artist in your voice, to commit and devote to your craft, to shiftĀ the shadows of the artist archetype (like victimhood and starvation) and truly embody the unique medicine you are here to carry through your voice.

This is a spiritual singing program and it is recommendedĀ that you have some experience in self-growth, embodiment or spiritual work. That said if you feel a strong pull you can always apply and we will feel into whether this is the right step for you at this time.

The pillars

Your Human Design: We use Human Design as a supportive tool to reflect on your unique voice and expression

Somatic belief shifting: WeĀ liberate core beliefs in your body to expand your expression & embody more freedom, permission and courage

Expression and improvisation: We explore your channel through improvisation and channeling your voice through the body.

Emotions and archetypes: We expand your expression through liberating emotions and working with archetypal energies in singing.

Applying & Logistics

You can apply to Iconic Voice-program through filling the application below.

All journeys are held online and begin from minimum 6 month commitment.

This is a four-figure investment with payment plans.

Iconic Voice-program includes 1:1 sessions and Telegram/Voxer-support in between sessions.