1:1 Big Voice coaching



Welcome to finding your Big Voice.

If you are on the journey of finding your unique, epic and bold voice, you have come to the right place. 

I guide singers in going from seedlings to blossoming flowers, from talented buds to bold rockstars, from stuck to flowing like straight from God’s channel. 

Big Voice is my 1:1 mentoring container that aims for you to have bigger breakthroughs in your voice than ever before…

We create this breakthrough by

ENERGETICS - where we unleash your holy wow-uniqueness through energetics and Human Design, so you can truly understand how amazing you are

EMBODIED TECHNIQUE - where we unlock the powers of your voice through your body, from the pelvis to the cosmos, so you can be wowed by your big voice

SOMATIC HEALING - where we integrate any fear, shame, guilt or trauma through gentle nervous system work, so your essence can come out for everyone to fall in love with

EXPRESSION - where we improve your singing craft in fun, body-led and playful ways that give you more tools, skill and freedom to express your emotions more strongly in singing


My 1:1 mentoring aims to help you find your Uniqueness as a singer and give you the guidance to unlock your vocal gifts - not to put you into any boxes. 


I work with all levels of voices and all of my containers are individualised to fit your needs, dreams and bold desires.  

Many of my clients come to me when they hit a wall in their singing, when technique work does not work anymore or when they have some mysterious block that just won’t budge.