The Nice Woman

confidence expression rogue May 04, 2023


Is always OKAY with everything

She smiles to maintain peace and harmony

She speaks through a nice smile because she doesn’t want to offend or hurt anyone

She is afraid to be successful or fully alive because she would rather not have anyone be jealous at her

She agrees with the opinion of the day

She chameleons to her company to accommodate everyone else's moods

She wants to hide in the face of conflict and just make it okay

She wants so hard to be convenient

And when she comes home she is a whirlwind

The suffocated resentment, anger and bitterness spirals under the agreeableness

She doesn’t know what she thinks or feels

She is afraid of her own anger

She is afraid of her own life-force

She is afraid of her own fire

She is afraid of her own judgment

She thinks confidence is a bit*h

And just the thought of being seen as selfish and mean brings up heat in her whole body

Her whole life is built around the image of the nice woman

Of the woman who puts a cute bow on everything

Who would rather be cute than say the truth

Who rescues others but avoids her own feelings

And sometimes the price of the cute smile needs to accumulate for a long looong time until there comes a point where the nice woman can’t do it anymore

Where comes the point where it’s enough

Where she is so lost in everyone else and disconnected from her own power that the anger builds enough momentum

To crack through the layers of niceness and feel the roaring fire underneath

Transmission for ROGUE

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