I am hungry for unleashed fierce feminine women

confidence expression rogue May 04, 2023

I am so tired of talking about voice and singing without deep intimacy of heart and se#

I am so tired of nice little singing techniques as a way to avoid the body & real messy nature of expression

I am so tired of conversations without soul, se# and personal self-responsibility

I am done accommodating to people who get offended by a powerful woman from the left to the right

I am done hiding the fact that I am a magical, powerful b1tch who rides the d1ck of the universe with intention

I am so tired of conversations that reek of enablement and collusion and jealous mouths

I am hungry for big girl, big aura, big pu**y adult conversations

I am hungry for the grit, the raw, the real

I am hungry for being cracked open by the true thing

I am hungry for the experience of something bigger moving through me in music

I am hungry for standing in the weight of my voice

I am hungry for segs AND heart

I am hungry for unleashing the fire that makes uptight aunties blush and holier-than-thou Karen’s hysterical

I am hungry for conversations around wealth, self-responsibility, abundance and breaking the chains of scarcity and forever-Peter-Pan-Artist-syndrome-who-never-wants-to-grow-up

I am hungry for unleashed fierce feminine women instead of nice little appearances with a cute apology

I am hungry for standing in the sensations of expanding in the heat of my evolution as I grow in my abundance

I am hungry for playing the game for real

I am hungry for aliveness and I will not bend for any uptight a**

Question is, you coming with me?


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