Leaning into the fear of not being liked

confidence expression rogue May 04, 2023


Ooohhh it feels exciting

I’m bringing myself to really feel this fear for good

I sent out an invite to that fear to come and play with me

It’s the fear that is always editing a little, always censoring a little

It wants to be nice and likeable because to it it means that then I will be liked too, right????

But ooofff… it’s also hiding the part of me that is fierce, real, raw and authentic…who has maybe some spicy things to say 🤫

And omg I’ve noticed that fear has such a hard time accepting that people won’t like me!!! And it thinks that it really can control that!!

If I just smile!! If I am just funny!! If I just make myself a little less threatening!! If I don’t sing so loud!! If I don’t sing so silently!!

Omg so much self-editing like giiiiirrrrrllllllllll

It’s the moment where you have a real talk with your girlfriend who wants to keep a boyfriend that doesn’t like them for who they really are

So now this time, I’m really walking straight into it

I am bringing my bad bit*h out 🤣 the one that I think that YOU WILL HATE

Full acceptance of that ✋🏻

But also letting you really see more of me - and who knows, maybe you already do, but I’ve dodged

And then I am also calling all my secret bad bit*hes in the house

To come and play with me

Because you know we all full of love and fire

Because here we inspire each others aliveness and lit expression

Because here we shake our booties together and have a party


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