A temple for voice magic 

Sacred space for liberating your unique voice and awakening the magic of singing inside you

Somatic Voice Liberation is a sacred space to liberate your full voice

To source your singing from energy in your body and sensation

To channel your voice from emotion

To purify and heal through your sound what has been stuck and calcified

To connect with your authentic sound

To sing from your body

To strip the layers that hide your full expression

To become really intimate with your voice and yourself

And melt any frozenness keeping your free voice locked inside a shell

"A whole new approach to expression and singing that is so somatically wise"

"Somatic work doesn't usually for me with voice but this really did!"

Somatic Voice Liberation is your temple-space for magical voice embodiment

In this online sound sanctuary you will have access to a weekly voice ritual.

In this space we do not work with any specific genre or pre-determined esthetics for the voice. Somatic Voice Liberation-membership is a temple where you can develop your relationship with your body's voice and the magic in singing.

We work with varying themes to strengthen your connection with your voice and liberation of your expression.

Core pillars we work with:

I - Singing and sounding from energy and sensation

II - Melting frozenness, rigidity or calcification in the body to free the voice

III - Channeling emotions and energy into sound and movement

IV - Deepening voice embodiment through sensing, feeling and awareness

V - Improvisation and expression

VI - Deepening your unique and intimate relationship with the intangible, mystery and magic of sound


Somatic Voice Liberation combines energetics, somatic and nervous system work, expression, improvisation and embodiment.


This can be a perfect space for you to:

explore evoking lost joy for singing

increase your courage and confidence to sing without rules

strengthen your trust with the mystery, unknown and improvisation in singing

alchemize shame, fear or guilt around your voice

move through any persistent blocks in your voice that won't shift through voice technique work

increase your nervous system capacity to be seen and use your voice

gently heal any rigidity or trauma from studying music or forceful singing

become more confident in surrendering to the magic and unknown with your voice

improvise with greater confidence in yourself

cultivate your personal relationship with the divine in your singing


From sensation, energy and emotion in the body


Weekly ritual to drop you into a magical space with your voice


Feminine ways to nurture your singing voice

"I had a break in my voice practice and I had this fear that my voice and expression would be all blocked, that I've forgotten all that I've been learning. But when I started singing my body just took over. Even if I haven't been practicing technique, in some magical ways all the work we've been doing it just works, and the body processes it constantly"

"I really feel like somebody lifted a huge rock from my chest, that has been pushing me down. First time in a long time my chest felt like it popped open, and it felt like there's courage coming out. My jaw is also usually clenched but now it wasn't 😮 It felt so good. I am also usually very wary of neighbors when singing at home but this time I didn't think about it at all."

"A clearing of the channel and therefore an opening to something that was previously closed. My throat feels spacious and my true voice more available. Moving out of the intensive, I feel possibility and potential. I’m intrigued by what this new voice - she - has to say."

What you receive


A weekly live-Somatic Voice Liberation ritual inside the membership

Access to the growing Somatic Voice Liberation-library including:

5-10 minute improvisation and embodiment practices

Voice rituals & Ceremonies

Bonus-workshops on Voice Embodiment


The creation of sacred space is what allows us to drop deeper into the magic - where will it take you?

I want in

Your guide

A visionary creator in the world of voice Rosa is a professional singer, teacher and artist with over +16 years of experience working with voice, expression, body, arts and somatics, bringing together soul, science and somatics to unleash the unique voices of people around the world.

She has a wide background of experience and training from music, performing arts and somatics making her work a uniquely magical blend of embodied knowledge from different fields.

A 4/6 Manifesting Generator, her body of work brings together wisdom from different fields in a whole new way to crack through to new levels in your voice. 

Formal training:

Musician (majoring in Voice/Folk music), Central Ostrobothnian Conservatory 2009-2012

Visual Arts, Tornio Applied University of Sciences 2012-2013

Music pedagogy (majoring in Voice/Folk music), Centria Applied University of Sciences 2013-2018

Dancer, Lapin Urheiluopisto 2018-2020

Besides her formal training Rosa has studied with several teachers from all kinds of fields from singing, acting, embodied Human Design, Soul Art, somatics, nervous system work, energetics, burlesque, improvisation and more.


When signing up you receive immediate access to the portal and previous classes.

Somatic Voice Liberation-membership

111 €

3 month subscription


  • Weekly live-taught Somatic Voice Liberation rituals online
  • Replays and the growing archive of rituals and practices
  • Access to the content 24/7 in your own time for three months
  • Continue with a monthly payment of 111 € or cancel automatically after 3 months

Somatic Voice Liberation-membership 6 months

555 €

BEST VALUE! save 17% with 6 month subscription


  • Weekly live-taught Somatic Voice Liberation rituals online
  • Replays and the growing archive of rituals and practices
  • Access to the content 24/7 for six months
  • One extra month as a bonus (6 months would normally be 666€)
  • Continue with a monthly payment of 111 € or cancel automatically after 6 months

Become a founding member of Somatic Voice Liberation

When you join now you will lock in the founding member price & be part of the exclusive membership portal.

The commitment is minimum three months. After these 3 months you will be able to continue with a monthly subscription or cancel. If you decide to continue after the price is 111 € monthly. Your 3 months begins from the day you sign up.


The timezone for all these is Finland/Helsinki GMT+3. Replays are uploaded in 24 hours. Joining the calls live is optional - so it is not a problem if you can't make them live.

The themes of the calls will be unveiled as we go. Dates after June will be added inside the membership.


4th April THURSDAY 7 PM
10th April WEDNESDAY 8 PM
18th April THURSDAY 7 PM
23rd April TUESDAY 8 PM


2nd May THURSDAY 8 PM 
16th May THURSDAY 8 PM
28th May TUESDAY 7 PM


6th June THURSDAY 1 PM
11th June TUESDAY 7 PM
19th June WEDNESDAY 1 PM
26th June WEDNESDAY 7 PM