energeticmapping energetics expression humandesign May 01, 2023


When I first found Human Design, my first thought was “OK skeptical, feels so mental”. I googled the whole internet for HD-info, and came to the conclusion that the system is full of weird rules and I couldn’t really feel it landing in my body. And I didn’t want some system to tell me what I should or shouldn’t do 😹 I remember sweating looking at my bf’s chart being afraid I’d find something that would indicate some detrimental premonition (so I don’t rly think that is the point of HD at all). And decided to forget about the whole thing.

Then I ended up working with Rebecca Kate Freeman, who is like the master ninja of Embodied HD btw, and slowly began experimenting with Human Design and opening up to the whole thing. First time I could actually feel what it means to embody your Human Design and the whole system started to make sense on a body level. Ironically, me the good ol’ skeptic, found myself living my own experiment, reading clients and family members charts to amp up our work together.

This is how I would describe working with Human Design (in an embodied way), if you’ve never even heard of it: to me it is a tool to reflect your uniqueness, deeper potential and a guide to embodying your essence in your body and self. I don’t think it’s a set of rules to define you or how you “should” live but a way of seeing yourself on a deeper level and aligning back to the truth of who you are and unwinding what you are not.

And I experience it in a way where I really feel into the energy of the person I am working with and how the chart reflects that. So I don’t view readings in a way where I just give you a bunch of information but how your chart comes together with your unique being.

Because I still am not into HD that feels super mental 🤣

So I am still integrating Human Design into my service and practicing my embodiment with it - and I want to invite you to come play with me!! I’ve decided to open Energetic Mapping & Human Design-readings for public, so come have a reading with me diving deep into your energetic design 😉 First 10 sessions go for 88€, then they will bump up to 144€.

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