confidence expression May 04, 2023


I remember first time looking at this photo and being like “Omg I can’t share this bcs my hair is a mess”.

It doesn’t look professional, sleek or well-put-together.

And my hair is such a reflection of me. I have never had a “sleek” hair-style, my hair has always been wild. Messy. All over the place. Busy rolling on the floor so I couldn’t bother doing some “pretty hair-do’s”.

And it’s so perfect because what I teach and what I am is *so NOT* about being perfectly put together, “correct”, appropriate, nice and pleasing. People think that on the other side of that there is a mean bit*h who is a total c*nt.

But no.

On the other side there is a free, messy, juicy, alive bit*h.

One that has a voice that states it’s boundaries. That goes full on into life, stumbles and rolls in the mud publicly, has a great time while everyone else is afraid of making mistakes. One that voices out all the messy, tender emotions and vulnerabilities of the heart even when she looks messy af. One that wears her heart on her sleeve and is not afraid to feel all the feels. One that creates all those messy, creative projects, that make absolutely no sense until they do and blows up the house into a fully blown chaos.

This is the piece inside all of the dear perfectionists wanting to resist so bad and judge it for not being so put together.

And at the same time the messy wild free spirit is already tackling a new adventure knowing there never are any guarantees and yet it is the whole point.

You want to think the messy is ugly or gross but really you secretly want it too.

The freedom and the aliveness of it.

Because the messy one doesn’t care if she doesn’t look put together or polished, because life isn’t put together or polished. She doesn’t resist life. She doesn’t resist creation. She doesn’t resist her own desires.

She is willing to HAVE life fully as it comes.

I am never gonna wear a “business-suit” because that is not what makes me an amazing creator and teacher. The unapologetic mess is the stamp for my aliveness and it will never be put in a box to be contained “so you can better understand it”.

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