Early bird waitlist for


Sing from your body and liberate your unique sound 

Revolutionary, somatically wise and roguely unapologetic approach to freeing your voice -

a unique voice membership marrying the soul and science of singing, sound and self-expression

OMG - I want to be the first to know

Sign up for the early bird-waitlist to get the best price & exclusive perks that will not be available anywhere else

Welcome to Somatic Voice Liberation, 

a membership where you can experience the endless possibilities of your voice through awakening the natural sound of your body and freeing your unique expression to sing with courage (and maybe some rebellion, eh?).

Do you want to...

Sing and express yourself in a way that feels liberating, authentic and fun - leaving you with a radiating afterglow

Express yourself with a sense of liberation and feel like you're able to truly be yourself when you sing and speak - no more "Miss-hiding-her-voice"

Fall in love with your own voice and become more confident in your self-expression - unlocking new rooms in your voice and self with every journey

Become resourced in how to nurture and grow your own voice - making others wonder what's your secret

Use your own voice instead of trying to be like somebody else - so they immediately know it's you and not some copy-of

Maybe feel a bit like the unique rockstar that you are and not care about neighbors when you sing - because why the fuck not


If you are a resounding YES to any (or all) of the above, I congratulate you - you have found your way to the right place.

"A whole new approach to expression and singing that is so somatically wise"

"Somatic work doesn't usually for me with voice but this really did!"

"I had a break in my voice practice and I had this fear that my voice and expression would be all blocked, that I've forgotten all that I've been learning. But when I started singing my body just took over. Even if I haven't been practicing technique, in some magical ways all the work we've been doing it just works, and the body processes it constantly"

"I really feel like somebody lifted a huge rock from my chest, that has been pushing me down. First time in a long time my chest felt like it popped open, and it felt like there's courage coming out. My jaw is also usually clenched but now it wasn't 😮 It felt so good. I am also usually very wary of neighbors when singing at home but this time I didn't think about it at all."

"A clearing of the channel and therefore an opening to something that was previously closed. My throat feels spacious and my true voice more available. Moving out of the intensive, I feel possibility and potential. I’m intrigued by what this new voice - she - has to say."

"Your skill is something exceptional and you have a big gift in helping others bring their voices out, as well as releasing deep emotions to the surface to heal. You are connected to some earthy and healing energy, which is not a given. Maybe there is a bit of magic in it or more!"

"I've learned to listen to myself, what I want to express, work with my body and sing from emotion without thinking how I SHOULD be singing. And I love listening to your content because it has more layers than just theory and technique."

"Singing feels much more fun again!! Instead of it feeling like a chore. It is almost like I am just channeling power when I drop into my body and guide my voice from there. Instead of being in my head and trying to get it right or worry about my technique. This is just what I've needed right now!"