Queen of the stage PRE-SALE

€77,00 EUR

PRESALE: 67 € (price GOES UP wednesday 20th December by midnight FINLAND GMT+2)

The price will incrementally go up once the doors are open (197€ full price).

All sales are final and there are no refunds. When you join through pre-sale, you will get access to the content that is already up - the full course will be up latest 20th December!


Hi, my name is Rosa and I love being on the stage.

I’ve been on the stage wearing almost nothing and gone there not having a faintest idea of what I was going to say.

Stage was the place where I was able to let out who I really was in the core. It was the most liberating place to be.

But I was definitely not always a natural - before I unlocked my own expression I really WANTED to be good on the stage, but it actually felt more awkward than natural. 


 I would watch others express themselves with ease and have this burning feeling of “I KNOW I CAN DO THAT TOO”. 

I had to work through layers of fear and shame to crack through to my expression and liberating it on the stage - and it was one of the most healing experiences ever.


Outside the stage I was seemingly shy, silent, introverted - but I actually felt really at home when I was performing. I thought that I was supposed to be the “life of the party”-kind of a person to be a great performer - but that is SO SO SO far from the truth. We bring our UNIQUE energy onto the stage and it fits all kinds of different expressions. So don’t let your beliefs about yourself stop you from igniting your Stage Queen.


This course combines my +15 years knowledge from performing arts, somatics, embodiment, voice work and energetics to teach you how to unlock your inner queen & rockstar-energy on the stage (or in front of the camera).


I have performed in all kinds of stages from abandoned buildings, forests, festival venues, clubs, little cottages, theater black boxes, the street, exhibition openings, TV, village festivals, birthday parties, funerals (weddings are still to be ticked off my list), library busses, out in the winter cold…

And I have gathered quite a lot of experience as a singer - singing solo with a piano, kantele, guitar or completely a cappella, in duets, in acoustic bands, in a rock band, with a folk orchestra - as well as a dancer, model and even a burlesque artist. I have been on the stage with my voice and also without using my voice at all. I have studied improvisation, clowning, movement, burlesque and self-expression through dance.


Now I am harnessing all this knowledge to give you the best codes to ignite your electric presence on the stage.


This course is not only for singers, it is for speakers, coaches, entrepreneurs, artists, people doing important work in the world - really all the people who are looking to increase their confidence being in the spotlight.

My background as a performer has been massively helpful in running an online business and it has also helped me tremendously in showing up in front of the camera or the microphone.

We all have those moments in life where we are being called to step into the spotlight.

Whether it is sharing your message, sharing your art, standing for what you believe in or letting your true self out more. 


It can be the stage of a concert venue, but actually we are being called to step onto the stage constantly in our lives. 

It is about stepping into your fuller expression and letting yourself shine.


And GONE are the days when we are being forced to perform to fit somebody else’s ideas of a good performance and being judged with a punishing mentality that only looks for mistakes.



I am looking to transform your experience of being on the stage to one that is of most joy, freedom, pleasure and even fu**ing ecstasy. Because to me it is one of the best things. Being in the spotlight sharing your voice can be one of the most liberating things you do in life!

In Queen of the Stage you will:

  • Learn embodiment practices for feeling like a queen on the stage & taking space like a rockstar
  • Take your unique persona to the spotlight
  • Cutting-edge techniques for transforming fear, shame and performance anxiety (from physical to emotional)
  • Crack the codes of embodied confidence and freedom on the stage
  • Shift your relationship from fear to love with the audience through deep subconscious re-wiring (‘cause we can’t just TELL ourselves to stop being afraid)
  • Claim the pleasure of being on the stage
  • Both the embodied techniques and energetic secrets for unlocking your powerful voice and expression on the stage (professional style)
  • How to truly get your message & expression across and create authentic connection with your audience (for increased chill-factors, yum)

Applies for: singing, dancing, performing on the stage, being in front of the camera, being a speaker, podcasting, live-speaking on social media and videos, teaching etc




The price will incrementally go up to 197 € once the doors are open.


All sales are final and there are no refunds.

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