Transform your voice with embodied technique from head to toe & receive my best teachings in compact form

For all levels of singers, speakers, podcasters, teachers, people who use their voice in their profession / hobby and want to take it to the next level of ease, fun and freedom

Choose your favorites from the menu or purchase an all-access pass for best price 

Just a few quick words about these workshops & embodied singing technique

I have gathered these workshops to package some of my best teachings into a compact form. I spent +15 years honing these in, and now I am going to distill it to you in a form that is meant to change your experience of speaking and singing. Embodied technique is my style of working with the voice in a way where we lead with the body and somatics and it is suitable for any skill-level and style of voice. 

The themes I have gathered here are based on the things I have noticed to be pretty powerful & life-changing for both myself and my clients - and ones I think will not only make the quickest impact on your voice but become foundations you can build on and go deeper with FOR YEARS to come.

I have designed these in a way where you can mix & match a meal for your liking - or, if you want to go with the recommendation of the house, purchasing the all access-pass will serve you with most fun ideas, transformation and inspiration.

The menu

Choose your favorites or purchase all-access pass (with 31% savings)

live Wednesday 25th of October 6-8 PM Helsinki/Finland GMT+3

Learn how to unlock the power of your breathe in a way that makes your singing feel more effortless and powerful without force. I will teach you how to EMBODY your full breathing in a way that enhances the whole of your body. You will receive a full tour on breathing for singing inside your body & a deeper embodied understanding of how to breathe big and deep and luscious when you sing.

Purchase replay for 27 €

live Thursday 02nd of November 6-8 PM Helsinki/Finland GMT+3

In this workshop I am going to give you my best somatic tool-kit for working with fear in singing. The most efficient way is always attending the physiology in a holistic way. You will receive practices you can do for 5-10 minutes in your daily and a longer melting-practice to attend to your nervous system in the most nourishing way. These will help soften any nervousness, flightiness, freeze and fear and make you feel more safe in your body.

Purchase replay for 27 €

WORKSHOP 3: ANCHORING 101 (and all about support you didn't get before)
live Wednesday 08th of November 6-8 PM Helsinki/Finland GMT+3

Ok so this is a definite must for every singer - in this workshop I will teach you how to unlock support & anchoring in your voice. And this is not your everyday generic teachings on support - I am talking about how I teach even more advanced singers to have a deeper embodied connection to what "support" feels like in a holistic way. In my work I have noticed that people often have an idea of what support is but haven't fully grasped how to access it in their bodies - so this is what I am going to show you. These embodied teachings will give you more strength, ease and confidence in your singing journey as well as build your trust in your body.

live Wednesday 15th of November 6-8 PM Helsinki/Finland GMT+3

If you've ever wondered how to make singing feel easier and sound juicier, I think you should get more into mixing! Mix-register is a term that means blending the lower & higher register of your voice together (or some people talk about chest & head voice), so that it feels fluid, strong and juicy from top to bottom. It allows you to go higher without breaking, strengthen both your lower & higher notes and access more sweetness in your sound. I will show you how to access your mix in an embodied way & how to awaken more sweet resonance in your voice. I've never taught this before and it has been asked of me, so... you're welcome!

live Wednesday 22nd of November 6-8 PM Helsinki/Finland GMT+3

Are you one of those lovers of sweet runs & riffs? In this workshop I will teach you the foundational basics to inspire you to play with melismatic singing. Different kinds of embellishments and patterns, how to practice them, how to teach your brain to get them and the most useful tips in getting them into your body. And pinky swear I will make it simple as cake. So you can make it sweet like honey. This will give you a lot of inspiration on how to bring more variation and flexibility into your voice - plus a clearer embodied understanding of the anatomy of your throat & vocal box.

WORKSHOP 6: BELTING 101 (adding power without force & singing with your whole body)
live MONDAY 4th of December 6-8 PM Helsinki/Finland GMT+3

Belting is a term for loud singing that is basically musical yelling / shouting. In this workshop I will teach you how to access power in your voice and how to do it in a way that isn't forceful. We are speaking about accessing power, energy and determination in your sound - and we'll do it through embodied technique and expression. Belting is really fun & liberating once you learn to do it with your whole body, which I will show you of course. I'll also share tips on how to make the tone of your voice feel sweet & juicy (instead of it feeling like a hard concrete wall). 
***I recommend taking the full-access pass and attending all the previous workshops to receive the most out of this one! Especially my teachings on anchoring, breathing and mixing will help a ton with this. I promise you will feel the difference.


One payment of 111 €

Best price (save 31%)

Unlimited access to all the workshops and replays in a course library

+BONUS: RECORDING GREAT VOCALS-masterclass (and having fun while doing it) (value 38€) great for singers BUT also podcasters and people who speak in front of camera & and in lives!


1:1 Client

When I found you I had already wanted to find something deeper with my voice for years. The way you spoke about singing and voice really resonated. I was really stuck with my own voice - on another hand I had technical skills, but on another hand I felt stuck and ashamed.

Your work has been an answer to that. I’ve learned to approach my instrument more through my body than as separate technical things. I know more what I want to do with my singing, I have found the courage to apply for studying music and things have opened in my voice that feel like me. I’ve received support and felt seen in where I am challenged with my singing and this is something that has been missing from my singing lessons at least. In your sessions things always open and I feel like I get closer to what is so important in singing. Self-expression, humane and intimate connection.

I’ve learned to listen to myself, what I want to express, work with my body and sing from emotion without thinking how I SHOULD be singing. And I love listening to your content because it has more layers than just theory and technique.

Workshop participant

What I liked the most was versatility, practicality, the way things were illustrated and your positive and natural style of teaching. I received a lot of practical tools from this workshop to strengthen support and free my voice, and maybe there was some bigger insight that happened later on because I've been singing more freely at home not worryin about what the neighbors are thinking.


Workshop participant

All in all amazing experience. I received exactly the tips and ideas that I was hoping for. The biggest insight was using my whole body for singing. My favorites were the body-led style and humour. I definitely recommend Rosas classes, especially for a singer who likes heavier singing, but I believe Rosa has something to give to anyone regardless of their favorite genre of singing!